Susannah West Cord
Here to help you grow...Life Coach, Author, Speaker, FreelanceWriter, Horsewoman
(not necessarily in that order)

In the autobiographical Each Wind That Blows, author and horsewoman Susannah Cord returns to Kenya after a thirty year absence. A horseback safari across the famed game reserve, Maasai Mara, draws her back to the land that gave birth to her most cherished childhood memories. Susannah soon finds there is much more in store for her than just an exciting holiday.
An adventure of mind, body and spirit, Each Wind That Blows gallops across the savannah in the company of lions, leopards and elephants, a journey underlined by the joys and sorrows inherently found in the African wilderness. Finding her inner struggles reflected in the life of the savannah, Susannah seeks to come to terms with the eviscerating grief and regret following the loss of a loved one, and the struggle to discover and define a sense of purpose. The echoes of childhood still heard by the adult and the yearning for a connection to the greater mystery that underlies all life, will hold the key to her future.
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About This Book
Spanning the better part of a decade, Riding by Torchlight, A Grass Roots Advocacy for Classical Horsemanship from Arena to Savannah, is a collection of columns and stories written by Susannah West Cord during a tumultuous time in the recent history of modern Dressage. Addressing anything from the challenges of rehabilitating an off-the-track-Thoroughbred to the Rollkur controversies haunting the competitive world of dressage, the collection also includes essays on the finer points of Classical Horsemanship as applied on a mad dash with giraffes across the African savannah, and what to do when a horse gets his hoof stuck in his mouth.
While most of the compositions were previously published and read worldwide, Riding By Torchlight includes several stories original to this collection, as well as excerpts from other works by the author, making for an eclectic, thought provoking and entertaining read.
At times intensely personal and introspective, Riding by Torchlight is by turns philosophical, humorous, adventurous, moving, fierce and inspiring. Whether it’s a heartfelt tribute to an extraordinary horse, or a scathing commentary on the vagaries of the ruling equestrian bodies when faced with issues of equine welfare, the author holds nothing back and leaves no stone unturned in speaking her mind and from her heart. Honest and revealing, the collection as a whole serves as a look inside the heart and mind of a devoted horsewoman trying to make sense of all she’s been taught and felt, searching for answers and hope in the face of a swiftly changing equestrian landscape of shape-shifting principles and beliefs.
Ultimately, Riding by Torchlight, A Grass Roots Advocacy for Classical Horsemanship from Arena to Savannah, carries a torch for a Classical Horsemanship developed over centuries of trial and error, while shining a light on its countless applications and benefits with a touch of humor and a great deal of devotion.