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To go straight to Susannah's published work, please go to the Books, Blogs, Articles page

First Published December 2014
Updated and new edition
Spring 2019
Now Out!


  ~ Each Wind That Blows


August 2018

Susannah continues to train a handful of horses with her mentor Stephanie Millham, author of Xenophon Press' The Legacy of Master Nuno Oliveira. As for writing, Susannah has been freelancing, mainly writing for the upcoming travel and lifestyle magazine, Art Chateau.  

Infinite Possibilities with Mike Dooley


The journey described in Each Wind That Blows, and the journey that was the writing of the book itself, brought Susannah full circle and on to a new starting point. As a lifelong explorer of the mysteries underlying the fabric of our existence, Susannah is always looking for books to read, starting with Richard Bach's Illusions when she was 17. Since then, Susannah has read all she could get her hands on, from more Richard Bach to Miguel Ruiz to dozens of books by Ramtha to Shirley MacLaine and much more, with one rule only - to be openminded, but not so openminded her brains fell out...Looking for guidance on how to proceed from this new starting point after completing Each Wind That Blows, Susannah stumbled upon the books by Mike Dooley and found there exactly what she was looking for. Acting on impulse, Susannah signed up for an Infinite Possibilities conference in January 2015, which turned out to be a weekend of superb lectures and fine company. Having not read the details of the event before going (ahem, it was a VERY sudden impulse), at the end of the conference Susannah was surprised and delighted to find herself a Certified Infinite Possibilities Trainer. What exactly that will come to mean to Susannah, remains to be seen....but it sure has a nice ring to it!





The book that started it all, Each Wind That Blows. Initially thought to be a series of articles about riding safaris, the first articles soon blossomed into the first chapters of a book.


In the autobiographical Each Wind That Blows, author and horsewoman Susannah Cord returns to Kenya after thirty years away, to participate in a horseback safari across the famed game reserve, Maasai Mara. Excited to return to the land that gave birth to her most cherished childhood memories, Susannah soon finds there is more in store for her than an exciting holiday.


As happy memories of her childhood juxtapose poignant memories of the death of her mother, Susannah’s ongoing struggles with faith and a sense of purpose come to the fore. Ultimately, events conspire to define the crossroads at which Susannah now finds herself. Guided by the extraordinary experiences of the horseback safari, Susannah is led deeper and deeper into Self in search for the answers that have eluded her for so long.


An adventure of mind, body and spirit, Each Wind That Blows gallops across the savannah encountering wildlife galore. As the author delights in the company of lions, leopards, elephants and all the African wilderness has to offer, she seeks to come to terms with the eviscerating grief and regret following the loss of a loved one, and the struggle to discover and define a sense of purpose.  The echoes of childhood still heard by the adult and the yearning for a connection to the greater mystery that underlies it all, will turn out to hold the key to her future.

Seeds of Change

Susannah's first Katika Nuru Project book, Seeds of Change is now out! Full proceeds will benefit The Tristan Voorspuy Conservation Trust. In this compilation of excerpts and essays from Susannah's upcoming book, Each Wind That Blows, multiple story lines interweave within a photographic extravaganza depicting the author's experiences on horseback in the Maasai Mara, Kenya. Stories of Nature,  loss, grief and forgiveness, and of a longing to reconnect with the mystery that lies at the very foundation of our lives combine to tell a tale of the profound effects of Nature upon a receptive soul.



May 2014
Now out on Kindle ~
Tips for Expectant Writers
         Just what it sounds like! An easy read, some thoughts on motivation and finding the confidence to just....write.           


August 2014
Now out on Kindle and in Paperback ~
    The Little Book of Scattered Thoughts
        A collection of some of my best read blogs from The Torchlight Chronicles - so far.


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